The Star without a Name

by Mihail Sebastian

Director: Chris Nedeea


Mona – Antonia Ionescu

Miroiu – Sebastian Bălășoiu

Udrea – Emanuel Bighe

Domnișoara Cucu – Cristina Dumitra

Grieg – Bogdan Farcaș

O Elevă – Ana Maria Cucută / Octavia Gheboianu 

Șeful Gării – Cristian Olaru

Ichim/Conductorul – Maria Nicola

Pascu/Un Țăran – Camelia Varga

Premiere: March 4, 2016, Main Hall
Duration: 2h

Director Chris Nedeea returns to Targoviste with an original staging of a classic text of Romanian drama “The Star Without a Name” by Mihail Sebastian. This drama is one of the most popular plays of Romanian dramaturgy, talking about small miracles that can happen in a small town …
Chris Nedeea‘s vision brings an air of post-modernism in this show, challenging for most theatrical conventions associated with dramas of early-20th century, from the characters to the scenery and lights. Get ready for a unique experience where the humour, dramatism and poetry come together perfectly.
This show becomes part of the theater’s program called “Interwar Texts”.

The Star without a name” is “A comedy about manners. Heavy comedy about loose morals.“- Chris Nedeea

Stage manager: Mihai Bălăceanu

Sound: Cătălin Buzea

Lights: Adrian Dragomir

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