The Little Prince

after Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Adaptation: Liviu Cheloiu

A show by Mihai Constantin Ranin

Violin: Ioana Hrior
Voices: Ana Maria Carablais, Liviu Cheloiu
Drawings by Codrin Cheloiu
Video creation: Cătălin Cărămidă


Codrin Cheloiu

Liviu Cheloiu

Premiere: February 22, 2024, Studio Hall
Duration: 55 min.

“All adults were once children, only few of them remember.” 

We find this thought in the prologue of the book “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, often regarded as a children’s book, but sprinkled with allegorical situations and philosophical meanings. 

The play “The Little Prince” is the story of a child who wants to understand the world. He travels with the help of imagination and technology to different planets, each owned by a unique character. Each of these characters teaches him a lesson, sometimes in the form of a metaphor. We are witnessing a growing-up process, a simulator of experiences. 

The Little Prince is even played by a child actor, who made the drawings that were later animated on video. The child actor, Codrin Cheloiu, plays alongside his father, Liviu Cheloiu. In our production, the character played by Liviu Cheloiu is the Father himself, a father who agrees to play the game proposed by the child and to embody the rest of the characters. The father accompanies his son both in life, on the stage, and in the context of the story. 

The show is aimed at children from 6 years old up and their families.

Credit foto: Irina Silaghi

Sound: Șerban Fleancu

Lights: Oana Dragomir

Stage manager: Iulian Scarlat




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